
Digital Humanities Summer Insitute

My talk – “The Digital Comes First: The Importance of Praxis-Centered Pedagogy in Digital Humanities Courses” – has been accepted at the 2013 Digital Humanities Summer Institute to be held at the University of Victoria.  Here is an excerpt from my proposal about the content of my talk:

Discussions of the craft or the technical aspects of the tools frequently employed in Digital Humanities classrooms have been presented, at times, as secondary to time spent exploring the theoretical or historical content of these courses.  In this presentation I will discuss my experiences creating praxis-based assignments that equally combine historical and theoretical concerns with artistic and technical skills in my Digital Filmmaking and Digital Humanities courses.  Oftentimes these assignments include social justice elements that are intended as catalysts for larger discussions around issues of power and privilege in society.  I will propose simple solutions to help other faculty increase their inclusion of technical and artistic proficiencies in their courses and, also, solicit input from the audience about assignments they use that might contribute to this discussion of the importance of utilizing a praxis-centered pedagogy in the Digital Humanities.

Looking forward to discussing pedagogy with my peers very soon!